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On word counts:

I'm utterly stunned.


Kestrel and Tami write like 1500-2000 words a day or something like that.

I was curious how much that was so I looked up how many words(according to MSWord) my story this morning was. I thought it was pretty decent... not long but you know... a good effort.



Otherwords: PFFFT NADA.

They must be like little miniture writing titans or something.

So still in awe I went back to see how long my running man story was. Because IT was long.

hahaha no.


This is going to take a lot more practice.

P.S. To cut off any "hang in there you will get better" or "well it is important to start somewhere". I'm cheerfully happy that I wrote something and am knowing that getting out the door is the important thing. I was simply in shock-awe of their MILLION WORDS A DAY.

P.S.S. TJ this was written in my SRS Wrting voice.


scott said…
My opinion is that you spend too much time trying to quantify things.

One person can say something profound with just a few words, and some people write huge walls of text and never really say anything. which says nothing about the examples you cite; honestly I'm not really familiar with either of them.

A good example would be to read Kim by Rudyard Kipling, and compare that to something by Dan Brown or Tom Clancy. One book is going to be really thick, and one book is going to be amazing.
Dammerung said…
I probably do. I have a secret love affair with numbers. Like how many seconds it takes to walk from the car to Walmart and how much time you save by simply parking in the back etc.

I like Tami's writing so her speed of writing is amazing to me :P.

And I agree a shorter better written novel/story/paragraph/line has 1000x the effect of a quickly dashed out megabook.

Kestrel said…
For some reason, I don't see links to my blog right away, or I'd have been here sooner.

Just to set the record straight: Tami and I write 1500-2000 words per week; not each day.

Keep in mind, we set visible public goals for our writing. We also made some rather arbitrary decisions on what constitutes "writing."

The key is to first of all, recognize what you want to do. Then set up small goals to reach, each of which helps you achieve that end result--much like when you were working to get in shape for ROTC.

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