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7:47am 25 Jan 2010

Why didn't I ever think of using dates for titles before? They come up with themselves.

I read Tami Moore(Egopriest) and TooManyAnna's and am filled with horrible envy at their fearless posting of their words on the web and their focus to keep writing and not read webcomics. My mind is full of half-born characters and stories that vaguely wisp in the wind.

My Shaman is coming along fine I was really excited by the play I got out of him at level 70 on Friday. I believe I have spoken at length about how much I despise melee dps because you are always 'chasing' the mob. No more. I still feel like I am chasing the mobs to a certain degree but not as endlessly frustrating like I felt with rogues, DK's, and cats. I -love- the way flame wave works. I -love- bringing the totems. I feel useful and awesome and when I hit 80 will be a flaming whirlwind of axes and lightnings astride an endless river of wave and earth.

Speaking of stories... here for your endless amusement is the bio for Jioay. In his own words:

I would explain my age but I forget the year amounts and the historical reference points only have meaning if you know them. I am middle aged is the best way to describe it. Please forgive my lack of meaning in your tongue... languages were never my strong point and I don't have the vocabulary to show my education its due. Originally I was trained in meta-flux-crystal-power-translation... bah that doesn't sound like what I am meaning. I was an engineer but with crystals on our city ships. Like the one we crashed into your islands. My job was handling the power flows through the key crystals used by the control crystals to control the ships engines.

I was/am good at it. Until the native races were corrupted. Then in the horrible that followed I had to give all that up. We needed guardians, warriors, healers. Not obscure crystal engineers who could only work using a ... you don't have the word. So I had to stop sitting happily in my shop and start learning how to wield weapons.

Why shamanism? The idea of channeling power through totems and bargaining with the elements for ... support appealed to me. The channeling you can already see I had some experience with conceptually. The bargaining? Well if you work in a bureaucracy long enough you'll get a lot of experience with bargaining. Those aspects of my training I liked well enough. The running....I hated the running. If you listen to the warriors they will go on and on and on about how running helps you breathe better when you are tired and how it 'boosts your core' or some mindless drivel like that. Running sucks, the only thing it teaches you is that when things suck you can keep going. Because running sucks.

As you can see: [gestures towards his paunch] I'm no [famous drenai athlete/warrior]. I'm a freaking engineer. I can run just fast enough to satisfy the warriors and get them to leave me alone. I fight just good enough to stay alive, but I'll ache for days after and I'll be out of breath.

Anyways... after joining the survival effort against the natives I simply followed my commanders. Events swept us here and there and now... we are here crashed on your planet. Fighting the natives and their allies again. Fighting the tools of the crusade... again. Different planet. Different friends. Different enemies(slightly). Same old war.

Sigh. One of these days this will all be over... and I will work with crystals once again. I will be paid well once again. And I'll settle down and get married. Perhaps to that pretty Drenai priestess I met at that party that Dampanza and Wulfa threw. Beo-something or other?


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