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Rain Cloud

I know how humid Houston can get. I lived here for 5, 6 years? I can't remember. Anyway, this morning the Orclette and I went out for a walk around 7 a.m. By the time I got down the driveway I felt as if I'd walked into a rain cloud. And the rain cloud got wetter and wetter as we progressed on our walk. And you know what? I miss the humidity.

Saturday I got to be a 3rd-trimester demonstration for my mom's yoga class (she's a certified instructor). The other 3rd trimesters in her class never seemed to want to do the modifiers. I understand-I'm pregnant not sick. I don't need to be coddled. Assisted up from the wonderful, cushiony couch my parents own, yes, but otherwise I'm fine. So I used all the modifiers. I'm not ashamed to admit I actually needed to-I don't do yoga all that often.

Today is the Orclette's 2nd birthday. I cuddled with her this morning before anyone else woke up (aside from my dad-he always gets up real early) and told her the story of her birth sans gross details. I don't think she realizes today is a special day. Maybe next year. We're having a small party this evening which will be culminated by the cutting of the cake that my dad-totally not a romantic minded person-bought. It's pink with flowers :D The Orclette has completed her total domination over the male persons on both sides of her family.

Both grandmothers are spoiling the snot out of the Orclette. This is a wonderful trip :D


ASH said…
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ASH said…
Happy birthday to the lil one! Hope the day's been fun.

Also, just out of curiousity, did you add me on Skype, Wulfa? The name and location of a new entry had me puzzled.


(Left out some details in the first comment, sorry!)
Beowulfa said…
No, I didn't. I'm not even sure what Skype is :D
ASH said…
Must've been someone else with your name living in Texas.

Oh, and Skype is a online phone service, where you able to call people based on their screen name (if they're online), and get reduced rates on long-distance calls to phones around the world.

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