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Out of Food

The Walmart is 5 minutes away. The Albertsons is maybe 3. They're opening a Walgreens that's 2 minutes away if the traffic's bad. And all of those places were too far away yesterday. So this morning the Orclette and I are enjoying the very last of our Raisin Bran cereal dry. In case you were wondering, milk makes it better. Dry ... it's just very dry.

But yesterday was Father's Day. Happy FD to all of you dads out there. The Orclette and I had lunch at Damm's parents house to celebrate his father. I spent most of the time thinking about what I could do for Damm when he gets back to celebrate all the holidays, including this one, that he's missed. I'm thinking the most expensive restaurant I know of in Las Cruces. The plates start at $25 so I'm hoping the food will be decent (one never knows) but the atmosphere is rather casual-it's called the Cattle Baron or something like that. Cowboys and horses. But I have until November to think about it.

Good news: Mother-in-law looks like a shoe-in for the choir director job at the local Christian school. Soooo. There's this choir director camp thingy in Houston July 6-9. So we're leaving July 3, arriving early July 4 at my parent's house, and thus I get to celebrate July 4th and Orclette's birthday with my family AND spend an entire week in Houston seeing friends and family. Oh yeah, I'm excited. Then the trip proceeds pretty much as planned and we get back July 21 or 22. Just in time for me to start being on high alert for possible contractions and to see my doctor for the first time (hehe). Although my mom doesn't get here til August 3 so #2 better not get here before then.

Researching your favorite author can bring up some cool factoids. Like Elizabeth Peters (a pseudonym). The authoress has two children named: Elizabeth and Peter. Hence Elizabeth Peters :D And under the name Barbara Michaels (I think her hubby's name was Michael) she has quite a few I've never seen at the library so Amazon here I come ... and a few under EP that I hadn't seen either. She's also got some non-fiction ones (she's got a PhD in Egyptology or something like that) that I'm thinking about reading. Those are under Barbara Mertz.

10 days to get ready for the trip. Too long for me, way too short for mother-in-law :D But then she has quite a bit to keep her busy and meself ... well, I have countdowns. Countdown to the trip, countdown to seeing Damm, countdown to being not pregnant, countdown to when I can start exercising for reals again, countdown to when Damm gets home for good (well, at least for the next 3 years). So I'm ready to go today :D And in fact it's pretty much all I can think about.

Although we are Out of Food. And that means Walmart. And that means going before 8 am so I don't have to combat the absolutely nutty crowds that habitate that place CONSTANTLY. And that means a list must be made and the Orclette gotten ready. Myself gotten ready. Ok, mind is off trip.


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