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Busy Mondays

Pay bills, pay rent (which involves walking, with a 2-year old, down to the office), submitting a maintanence request (my new washer/dryer won't work without this problem being fixed), finally managing to do the 3-day old dishes, possibly cleaning everything else that has been screaming to be cleaned .... whew. Easy enough when you're single and non-pregnant, but add a 2-year old and extra pregnancy weight and you've got a challenging morning. And I forgot to mention that the Orclette is running a slight fever and is just a wee bit clingy.

But good news: Damm's drill sergeants finally granted phone privileges last night. The first few sentences went something like this: "Hey! it's Damm *bleep* *bleep* *bleep*." He immediately apologized but I couldn't resist laughing. I just don't want him cussing around our impressionable toddler-it's kind of cute when he does it talking to me. Man did his voice sound sexy. Going a month without hearing your husband's voice has some advantages :D He's doing fine, they're transitioning into the next, slightly easier (or they've just gotten accustomed) phase. The food is terrible and the salad bar never is stocked. Only 14 out of 60 soldiers in his platoon passed their PT test. They seriously need to up the quality of their food-you are what you eat. I may mention that at Family Day :D But probably not. It would be poor form to create animosity toward my graduating soldier. Between his mother and myself he got assigned 170 extra pushups-I didn't know stickers on the envelopes weren't allowed. Fortunately they only made him do 35 of those 170. They were patriotic stickers, too. US Flag and stars in red, white, and blue. Oh well.

10 weeks 1 day til my due date. I am eligible today for Tricare, but joy of joys I get to call and find out who my primary care manager is because it wasn't printed on the little cards they sent me. Then I get to call my PCM, get appointments for Orclette and myself, and then be referred to an OB-GYN. You know, I'm totally in favor of just waiting until labor starts and then showing up at a hospital. I hate going to doctors. But my mom frowns on that, and since she's coming for a full month it would be wise of me not to annoy the parental unit :D Wow. 10 weeks. 10 more weeks of dreaming of my lovely skinny clothing. Of being able to breath. Of being able to run without worrying about my heartrate. Of my joints not being all flexible and easily injured. Why do women go through this again? I won't be able to answer that until little Charis/Brendan is placed in my arms. Then ask me :D By the by, everyone thinks it's gonna be a girl. I don't know know like I did with the Orclette so I'm not guessing.

And the Orclette is done with her bath. And standing up in the bathtub. Must go.


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