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Orcs live again!

So this weekend Damm got the urge to play his horde shammy again. I, being the loving and generous person that I am, transferred his character over to his new guild and decided to come along as well, since he's followed me to numerous different realms/guilds. I think it was a good decision-Herk's guild was overwhelmingly friendly and generous and fun to chat with.

So, what does this mean? Other than that Dogs of War is an awesome guild name? And why am I writing about it?

As for the latter, I'm explaining because I worry. I worry that the Sidhe Devils will read that I brought my horde character out of retirement and think I don't love them. I worry that Herk and his guild will feel slighted that I don't consider my horde hunter my main (I'm not sure why I worry about that, but I do). I worried so much this morning that in my already stressed out, wanting to hide from the world state I nearly drove myself to tears. This obviously is an overreaction, but there it is. Sometimes being a girl is really hard :D

SO. Wulfa and Beowulfa Alliance-side are my main toons, Sidhe Devils my main guild. They will still be getting the bulk of my attention. I will be leveling Beowulfa-horde on the side, however, to play with Damm and Herk and Noobed and the rest (I still don't have names straight). I'm rather excited-I love meeting new people/friends. I'm feeling just a wee bit overwhelmed because I've added a third character to be leveled and the path to 66 for Beowulfa shadow priest is looking really loooong. I am over the moon to be reunited with my white cat, Twilight. I DON'T like not having Steady Shot, Kill Command, etc., thought I'm not far from lvl 62 and Steady Shot goodiness.

Sooooooo. The Orcs are back. In black. With hats. And cats. And I'll stop rhyming now.



Anonymous said…
Woo! For the Horde! :)
Dagashai said…
How can you stand to play alliance? Every morning you have to check yuir boots fer gnomes...
Kelmar said…
Dogs don't mind being the backdoor mistress. In times of war, certain things are just kind of a convience or nicety. We get it...



Don't let this stress you out! Sidhe rocks! Dogs rocks! Play both!

Tell you a dirty secret...

Everyone in Dogs has a lv70 Alliance toon cept Noobed. He has 4 in the 60s tho.
Dammerung said…
My two cents: Go horde!

I don't have a main, I never know who I want to play.
ASH said…
Strength and Honor!

Milk and Cookies! :D
Anonymous said…
Don't feel bad. One thing you must always remember when playing this game. YOU are the one paying (well, you and Dammy) the money to play this game, YOU play what you enjoy. Don't feel obliged to anyone. We are your friends because of who you are, not what toon you play. I'm sure I can speak for 99% of the people here when I say that we just want you to be happy.

I have 3 70s on ally side and now I'm lvling my 1st horde, AND i'm loving it! I have friends on the ally side that are ok with it, and I have former friends who objected :) What I do now is level on my Horde and raid on Ally. When my Horde reaches 70 (currently 67), then I'll split my time evenly.

Point is, have fun, you deserve it! :)

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