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Kara Round 2

It is amazing how much funner a run can be when your hands aren't shaking and you aren't about to hyperventilate. Your DPS improves too. And you remember to stand really close to Midnight's butt so you don't get charged. AND. I discovered the one thing that will completely turn your Kara-and-beyond life around.

Take a nap.

I'm serious. Take a nap, and you will be alert and eager when the run starts. You'll be less likely to make stupid mistakes. And when you finally do need a swig of caffeine it still affects you because you haven't been hyped up on it the entire time.

Ok, so, if you haven't gathered this already, I went into Kara again Saturday, with a group made up of the Sidhe Devils, Blood for Blood, and (I think this was their name) Disciples of Delusion. And another hunter was there. Wasn't sure how I felt about that at first, since I can be a greedy little hunter who doesn't like anybody rolling against her, but having another hunter there actually amped up the fun. I spent most of the time asking huntery questions, we divided up assignments, AND I had the opportunity to see that you can pull aggro from a pally tank. It just takes a bit. And with my traps backing his, we kept our blue square securely ice trapped until the rest of the group was ready for 'em. And the absolute best part of the night: Opera, Wizard of Oz. I was told to scare beast, couldn't find that particular skill 'cause I never use it, then couldn't find the wee beastie I was supposed to be scaring. They died despite of this, and guess what dropped? Wulfa's first purple! Beastmaw Pauldrons! I was dancing up and down inside, although I'm too dignified (snort at self) to really do that.

Ok, rest of the run was fun but went down pretty easily. Did Chess for the first time and I'm still not sure what happened. We won, though. Saw Illhoof for the first time. He's chaotic and fun, although Nas died because we weren't fast enough killing the demon chains ... for which I have a macro. I can write macros now! I have 3! This may not seem very exciting but I am a complete and total computer noob and macros were, for the longest time, geek speak to me. Hehe. And then, Prince.

Prince warrants his own paragraph. I can't tell you the mechanics of how we fought him because I completely missed that part. You see, there is this pole. I was instructed, along with the rest of the casters and healers, to stand on that pole. 2 minutes later I was still trying to get up on the pole. That is why I don't play video games. I can't do the jumpy thing. I completely failed at Zelda. I finally did get up on the pole and whispered my fellow hunter to see what I was supposed to do. Shoot, and then shoot some more was what I was told. We wiped. We came back. It only took me 5 tries to get up on the pole. We wiped again. Came back. I walked up onto the pole. Turned out that our 10th wasn't able to connect properly, TripleB said we should probably call it. I hopped down. He says, "Well, maybe we could 9-man it ..."


It took me longer than the first time to get back on. That was finally accomplished, Prince went down, I didn't have to get back up on the pole. Whew. Question for you fellow hunters: does your pet not attack Prince? On the 1st and 3rd times Boru stayed by my side the entire time no matter how many times I told him to attack. I did check to see that I was pressing the right button, btw. That was the first thing I thought of. It was very frustrating, especially when the other hunter's pet was out on the battleground, nobly dead.

So, 2nd time through Kara recap: There's a pole. *Snicker* I now have a whole new subject of bad jokes/puns running through my head. And this following quote, although it was made the following day: "I had the wuest to kill Prince!" It was really funny when it was typed. Still makes me chuckle.

So, my mommy and little brother are coming today, so I will be MIA for much of the week. I'll be there Saturday, however, so don't be giving up my Kara spot. I have 33 badges now and am hungering for more, because Dammy won't let me go shopping til I have 100. And there are lots of purple shinies .....


Unknown said…
Occasionally, when you get yourself in certain spots in the game, the pet will not be able to figure out how to get out of that spot. You could be running between trees in Feralas, hopping onto/over ruins on the Zoram Strand, or standing on a pole in Kara. Your pet just bugs out, will not move until the AI in charge of it can reposition it. That's probably what happened in your Prince fight.

I've not been inside of Kara, never watched a Prince fight, so I don't know if this advice is viable or not. But you may want to make your pet "stay" at the bottom of the flag pole, while you shimmy your way up it. Then when the fight starts, send 'em in to attack the Prince and it should go just fine. That's if it's okay to leave 'em at the bottom of the pole in the first place.
Anonymous said…
I'll ditto what Andy said. I've been to Prince a few times, but I've never done the pole dancing trick. I'm going to guess that standing on the pole bugged the pet somehow, because I know my cat has attacked him mercilessly several times.

Have kitty 'stay' while on the ground. Then jump up and the pole, then send it into the fray. Should work perfectly.
Tristan said…
That pole sounds like cheating...

We do it at the door but never go on the pole... And yea if you do send your pet in and he gets enfeebled, then pull him back etc...

And with your 100 badges, why not save 150 for the Xbow? I hear its pure win :)

This is when I wish I could trade my badges... This week I got 18 from kara, 5 from gruuls, 3 from mag, 9 from hyjal, 11 from bt, 17 from 2 za's... which is 63 badges... which also equals 1200 gold lol.
Carrie said…
We've never stood on the pole either. We just stay on the little platform just inside the door. (by we I mean myself and the other ranged dps). And if you can get your pet to attack, it's relatively easy to keep it alive throughout the fight.

Watch the hps of your fellow group members. If some of them go suddenly almost dead, bring your pet back.. unless there's an infernal in the way, you should be able to yo-yo it in and out for the duration.

Congrats on the loot! My first drop from Kara was bracers from Attumen..which I am still wearing *sigh*
Anonymous said…
Wulfa - when you're getting ready to pull, put your pet on stay somewhere not near the pole. Then, once you start killing Prince, you can call him in to attack!

Here's another nice tip that will only cost you 10s and some extra food for your pet: BEFORE you go to kara this weekend, log in and go to the trainer, find the pet trainer and tell him you want to untrain your pet. 10s spent. Then, use Beast Training to train him in his best attacks (I'm not sure what kind of pet you use, how could I not know that? I'm sure you've said somewhere), then train him in at LEAST Rank 3 Shadow protection and Rank 3 Fire Protection, then use the rest of the points for Great Stamina.

When I was running kara, I used to use Rank 5 of both protections but it's a lot of points and may not be worth it depending on who you ask.

Make sure every once in a while you throw up a mend pet and you're good to go - your pet will survive the entire fight and live on in infamy at the pet who lived.

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