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I have nothing new to read.

This is a rather tragic occurrence. Due to my job I am surrounded by books, by book dust, by people who love books. Maybe it's overload? Whatever the case, there is nothing new right now that I'm tempted to read. I did think about reading the new Pittacus Lore book ("The Rise of Nine" I think) but then I heard that P. Lore is none other than James Frey, infamous writer of "A Million Little Pieces" (The Wikipedia article says nothing about him writing the series so my information may be unsubstantiated. I'll do more searching and report back if he didn't write the series).

If you don't remember, and it's not a big thing if you don't, James Frey was featured on Oprah. For a while there anything featured on Oprah became a major bestseller, we would sell out, the warehouse would run out and it became an absolute nightmare. Then we'd have plenty and everything would be good, the angst forgotten. Anyway, James Frey pitched his book as a non-fiction title. Turns out it wasn't non-fiction. He made large parts of it up. Didn't stop his book from being a bestseller. It does make me not want to read anything he reads, though, especially since he's very anti-religious and a "self-proclaimed atheist" (so saith Wikipedia). I could tell, especially in the second book. Nothing positive to say about religion, Christianity in particular. (I didn't finish the second book.)

Besides that there was Bill O'Reilly's kid adaptation of his Lincoln bestseller. Looks interesting but I'm not really in the mood. And what else? I really can't remember. Political books are coming out in droves but that's not my thing either. I know who I'm voting for, even if I'm not happy about the choices. So, blah.

Now I have read some books, not new, that are worth mentioning. "Redshirts" by John Scalzi is pretty funny (it's fairly new). I went back to Anne McCaffrey's Pern series but decided I don't really like the ones her son collaborated on, even though the writing is crisper and the whole thing flows better. Too much free love going on without any consequences. I'm re-reading Lauren Willig's latest Pink book, "The Garden Intrigue". I've also read some teen books and am appalled by the morality expressed in them. It's ok to sleep around, consider abortion, get pregnant at a young age, etc, all without feeling the need to form a lasting relationship with the one who you're fooling around with. No consideration that perhaps you need to keep your legs closed if you don't want children. Sex is apparently a necessity, something that everyone is entitled to. I say hogwash. Don't do it if you aren't prepared to accept the consequences. There are toys to tide you over, or you could just practice self-control. Which is another foreign concept in these teen books. There were other sticky point but these are the ones I remember. I don't relish going back through the books to find the other things.

So what are you reading? Any good suggestions?


Unknown said…
My suggestion: get on Ever since I did, I've been adding books to my TBR list faster than I can keep up with them.
Dawn Janis said…
I read a TON. In fact my blog is full of book reviews. They're mostly Christian Fiction though as I get them from 5 different publishers.

Here's the link to my blog -

Also, goodreads is a great resource.
Beowulfa said…
You know, I've been trying to avoid goodreads. I view it like Pinterest (or however you spell that word): an awesome source that you'll fall into and never climb out of. Damm also joined goodreads though so I might be sunk:)

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