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INSANITY. Day 15 & Fit Test

So our last Fit Test.

Wulfa's Fit Test
Switch Kicks: 55
Power Jacks: 50
Power Knees: 74
Power Jumps: 30
Globe Jumps: 7
Suicide Jumps: 12
Pushup Jacks: 15
Low Plank Oblique: 30

This Time-Wulfa
Switch Kicks: 60
Power Jacks: 55
Power Knees: 83
Power Jumps: 34
Globe Jumps: 9
Suicide Jumps: 13
Pushup Jacks: 19
Low Plank Oblique: 45

Damm's Fit Test
Switch Kicks: 31
Power Jacks: 35
Power Knees: 62
Power Jumps: 11
Globe Jumps: 3
Suicide Jumps: 6
Pushup Jacks: 15
Low Plank Oblique: 46

This Time-Damm
Switch Kicks: 37
Power Jacks: 36
Power Knees: 88
Power Jumps: 25
Globe Jumps: 6
Suicide Jumps: 12
Pushup Jacks: 20
Low Plank Oblique: 56

So improvement in all areas for me. Huge improvements for Damm-yay! But I have a confession to make. Yesterday was Mother's Day. And remember how last Wednesday I wrote "goodbye, lovely Bacon Cheeseburger"? It just didn't seem like Mother's Day without celebrating, and the chicken salad that was the only healthy thing on that dangblasted menu did not look appetizing. So I had gorditas. And the bro-in-law decided we should all forgo dessert at the restaurant, pick up icecream and a movie, and retreat to the mother-in-law's house. I don't have enough willpower to resist Ben & Jerry's when everyone else also wants icecream. Well, on holidays and special occasions I can't resist.

And all that's ok. Holidays and birthdays have never been under the same rules as my weekly indulgence meals. What actually has me feeling bad is that I knew I had a Fit Test the next day. Way back when I played competitive soccer I never would've consumed gorditas the night before a soccer match. And I've been treating INSANITY like sports training. So it was upsetting when me, myself, and I blithely threw all that to the wind. But unlike years past I immediately took my own advice and put last night into a lifetime perspective. Ok, maybe not immediately. I had a few visions of whales. But I'm getting faster at stopping self-recrimination. And hopefully better at learning from gordita mistakes. Doing Switchkicks is not fun with gorditas on the tum-tum (hehe that rhymed).

So once again, congrats to both our selves for improving over the last fit test. Measurements to come this Friday. I didn't want to take them today because Mexican food=salt=bloating and I want an accurate idea of progress.

Wulfa the Workout Maven out.


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