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Further Proof I am Hermione Granger

For those of you who don't know, Hermione is the bookworm character in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. She was once disappointed Hogwarts canceled final exams on account of the life-threatening danger the school had been in. She and I have a lot in common. My reasons for believing this are as follows:
1) I am a Crimson Scholar. We get to register for classes early. I contemplated waking up at midnight on the day of registration so I could make sure I got all the classes I wanted. Turns out you couldn't register until 5am that day. I got up at 4:30.
2) Found out that although I was advised yesterday and the secretary said she had removed my advising hold it's still there and I can't register. I thought about crying from disappointment.
3) I remind teachers we have a test when they have forgotten to give it.
4) I have, on occasion, corrected teachers when they get a fact wrong.
5) I have never viewed a "B" as an acceptable grade, except when faced with college algebra and chemistry. Even then it bothers me.
6) I vociferously complain when a textbook/lab manual is ill written. Sometimes the complaining is actually directed at the teacher. All done in a professional manner, of course.
7) I view merely reading the assigned pages of the textbook and attending all lectures as the "mininum" of work I need to do.
8) I don't like teachers who have "easy" classes. I prefer hard ones.
9) I don't copy from other people's work. Except for this chemistry class-Damm and I have agreed to split the enormous amounts of writing required and copy the sections the other is responsible for.
10) Hermione Granger is my favorite character.

There you are. I usually try to hide the fact that I am typically a straight-A student because other students treat me differently once they find out. Unless they are straight-A students themselves. It seems to be apparent, however, because my classmates treat me as someone who should just know the answer to everything.

I am proud of my academic record-enormous amounts of hard work and stress have gone into making it what it is. Lest one think I am a braggart let me say that I think everyone could have the same results I do if they studied. I.E. I don't think I'm smarter than everyone else. Just more detail oriented. And possibly OCD.

Hermione didn't try to hide, though. She was smart and she knew it. And she learned how to not be as annoying about it throughout the series.

Anyone else excited about the next 2-part Harry Potter coming out? I'm already planning to go to the midnight release.

And my time is up.


Unknown said…
I was all about registering the second I was able to make sure I got the schedule I wanted... although a couple times I had to skip a class in order to do it. I guess that's not very "Hermione" of me.
Beowulfa said…
I also considered skipping one of my classes to make sure my advising hold was lifted but in the end I decided to wait an extra 50 minutes and stay the whole class period :)
Rusty said…
I feel the same way about grades as you do. Is there really anything else but an 'A'?

...I don't think so.

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