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I guess I can call him miniorc. He's much cuter than any orc, however. Pictures -might- be forthcoming but I'm currently using a dinosaur of a PC and I'm not sure how to upload pictures (I'm a computer-know-nothing of the worst order).

He was born at 8:57 p.m. Tuesday. 7 pds 12 oz: I was expecting a 9 pd baby and was somewhat surprised at his small size. Perfectly healthy, seems to be more placid than the Orclette ever was (thank God). First few nights have been rather rough-he is a breastfed baby and at first could not seem to keep his tummy full so he was up every hour to eat (it takes a couple days for the supply to come in to meet the demand). And I don't care what the books tell you, breastfeeding hurts for at least a little bit. So the every-hour feeding took its toll on me. And the Orclette, who sleeps in the same room, was at first waking up everytime Miniorc did and crying just as loudly as he. Last night, however, Miniorc slept from 9pm-12, was awake and eating every half hour from 1230-230, and then slept from 230-730. So I got 7 hours. (Heavenly choirs singing)

My mom is here for another week. Damm is coming to visit the weekend after she leaves. After that it's meself, Orclette, and Miniorc flying solo for about 2 months. I've got a routine ready to be implemented, people that I can call on to go to Walmart with me (I don't think I can go by myself just yet) and people I can hang out with. It's still a little scary to think about and I catch myself thinking "you are absolutely nuts to have thunk you could handle this" but I think we'll do handsomely. In my happier moments at least :D

And WoW is planning another expansion. Or so Damm tells me. I wish I could play .... but I have a huge computer that really doesn't fit into the bedroom. And until I find out Miniorc's sleep schedule (which will probably take a few weeks) I daren't stay awake at night while he's sleeping. Anyway, the game is calling to me. Once Damm gets back ...


Marylin/Softi said…
Congratulations honey! Looking forward to seeing some pics. :)

Hope the birth went ok for you, and I'm glad he's letting you get some sleep - long may that continue! xxx
Unknown said…
Congratulations! (And yay for him deciding to come out before the induce date.) I'm sure you and the young'uns will be just fine on your own.
Gwaendar said…
Congratulations, and best wishes to the entire family!
James said…
huge congrats wulfa and damm!

Ruune said…
Excellent news Wulfa (and Dammy/Susan). Great to hear that all is well and looking forward to hearing more about the miniorc adventures.
Rusty said…
Oooooo, another alt!

Patrick said…
Congratulations! I'm glad that everything was without complications. Best wishes to you all.
Unknown said…
Congrats on the new addition to the family!

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