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Brendan must be just like Damm

Still pregnant. Fortunately everyone we know is calling/texting my mom everyday to find out the status and not me. I think I would've hit a few of them, if I could reach into the cell phone to do that. Anyway, I think the little boy must be just like Damm. You see, Damm is rarely in a hurry. I am. I'm ready to go and out the door and-oh wait-Damm doesn't even have his shoes on yet. He probably is still on the internet with just one more site to check.

The Orclette knows something is up. You see, I did go into labor early Saturday morning. Labor-not Braxton Hicks. And then it stopped 6 hours later. Since then I've been having intermintent contractions-again, not Braxton Hicks (I'm talking painful, this-is-what-drove-me to ask for pain meds with the Orclette contractions). So this has been one weird experience so far. I googled to see if anyone else had similar experiences and yep, they have. Some have even had odder stories than mine. They don't ever tell you these stories in the baby books.

I have another non-stress test tomorrow morning. I've decided that I'll let them schedule an inducement for next Monday the 24th (this is assuming nothing happens in-between now and the doctor's appointment). That's pretty close to the 42-week date so that should make them happy. Scares me-I remember what those pitocin induced contractions feel like and I don't think I can handle them without an epidural. So we'd be going from natural to full medical involvement. But I think it won't go that far-then again so far what I've thought has not seemed to matter to child#2. So we'll see,

Oh, the Orclette. Her other grandma came to get her when the labor started. And then she spent the next night with her grandma because we thought the same thing might happen again. And the Orclette likes to be really, really close. And that's just not fun when you're trying to relax. So her schedule has been entirely thrown off and she's being extremely clingy. Just a foretaste of things to come, I guess ...

And that's it. My brain really hasn't been thinking about anything else other than "is today/tonight the time?" So I don't have anything else interesting to write about. Hopefully soon I'll have more exciting news to report :D


Kayeri said…
Been popping in every day for a look-see here, wondering if no post means the happy event has occured.... Keeping you in my thoughts!

((talked to Ratters a bit the other day... he said they miss you!))

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