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New President

I didn't vote. I didn't even realize that it was Election Day until it was too late. I didn't think it would affect me the way it has. But I HATE not voting.

Anyway, obviously ya'll know this but history has been made. I will be watching Obama's 4 years with interest (I mention 4 because that's what he's elected for ... who knows what will happen? just so's you know it wasn't a prediction or anything). Not sure how I feel about him getting it-I would've voted for McCain/Palin. However, respect the position. That really bothered me when Clinton was in office and people would bash not just his policies/personal decisions but seemed to bash the office which he was presiding over. Bush too, though I didn't notice it as much because I just can't watch the news channels other than Fox and I usually don't watch Fox. And Rush will have plenty of fodder for the next 4 years. My first memory of driving in the car is of my parents listening to him and us begging them to turn on something more interesting. I am truly a Rush Baby.

And yeah, I just told you my political affiliations. Just so you know, I don't really care what party you belong to. I may disagree with you, I might debate a point or two, but in the end that's what's great about our country. We get to think what we want to think (hehe well, for the most part). My greatest hope for Obama/Mrs. Obama is that they actually do care for America and that their goal is to help not tear her down.

So that's the end of my first and probably last post concerning politics. I just don't get into it. I'm not a skilled debater and frankly it's a dividing issue so I'd rather not discuss it with my friends. And the whole I'm not a debater thing prevents me from getting into it with anyone else :D


Tristan said…
I'm not 100% on this but I think if the US election was anywhere but the US, Obama would have won by a MUCH MUCH bigger margin. I respect that you would have voted for McCain/Palin but from what I heard in Aus their promises and stuff were pretty average...
Anonymous said…
"My greatest hope for Obama/Mrs. Obama is that they actually do care for America and that their goal is to help not tear her down."

They will care for America once he changes it into an America he feels it should be. My hope is that afterwards, I still care about America :)

The scary thing about these next years to come is that Obama will have the majority of not only the House, but the Senate behind him. Let's wait and see what happens. I'm getting my passport ready. :)
Rusty said…
I think it's very telling that Mr. Obama will not reach into his own pocket to help his fellow man (until it was politically necessary) but would gladly reach into your pocket to help his fellow man.

That said, I have to line up and support him because if he fails, so does America.

...But I'm with Klaki on this one.

Anonymous said…
Ahhh, but has any politician ever reached into their own pocket to help anyone?

Can Obama do any worse than Bush has over the last 8 years?

Would McCain really have changed anything, or just continue to make rich friends happy while the country rots from the inside out?

Give change a chance.
Anonymous said…
"Can Obama do any worse than Bush has over the last 8 years?"

Yes! I'm not saying he will be worse, just looking at the statement from a realist point of view. We won't know until it happens. I could go into how people judge presidents in two waves. Most look at presidents differently while they're in office and once again a bit afterwords. Let us see how Obama will "change" things. If he does it well, then I'll give him his props.

"Would McCain really have changed anything, or just continue to make rich friends happy while the country rots from the inside out?"

I guess we'll never know.

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