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Final is today. Have some pictures.

I love fake flowers. They never wilt and you never have to water them (only dust them occasionally). Here are three new displays I've put up:

(This one I arranged myself)

(You can't tell but the colors here are AWESOME in person. And the bouquet was pre-made from Walmart. I had to be there anyway for an item Albertson's didn't have.)

(Another display that looks wonderful in person because of the colors. And it's another bouquet from Walmart:)

(There's me.)

(Real flowers!)

(A tomato plant! And it's still alive!)

(A melon plant. I'm not sure the container is big enough for "ahem" its melons:)


dechion said…
I really like the first one, Then again I have always been partial to purple.
Beowulfa said…
I am too. I walked into the store wanting flowers but didn't have a color scheme in mind. Lo and behold, I chose purple and green. Worked out beautifully:)

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