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Christian + Mother + Full Time

So I've been reading a lot of blogs lately. One thing I've noticed is that most of the ones I gravitate towards are written by Christian stay-at-home mothers OR they're so self-motivated and project orientated that they might as well be. And I feel guilty, like I'm not doing enough or that I'm not enough. It's an irrational emotion; none of the bloggers mean to convey that sense of superiority but combined with my angst over working full-time again ... yeah, I feel like dirt. You should see what these mothers/bloggers do. They make their own beauty scrubs, they plan a whole week's menu out in advance (I frequently have no idea what's for dinner until it's actually dinnertime) and some of them manage to home school several kids at once while still looking (if one can judge by their photos) absolutely gorgeous.

So. You see my title? I've decided that the next time someone (like me) who does a search for bloggers who work full-time and are also mothers will have someone to find, so we won't feel pressured to feel guilty by the awesomeness that these momma-bloggers bring to the table (which is completely unintentional; I'm pretty sure I'd like all of the bloggers I've read so far were I to meet them in real life). I am a mother who adores her kids and wishes I could spend more time with them but I also love my job. I'm working so my husband can attain his engineering degree and no, I don't think the Bible condemns me/us for doing this (you should see the debate over that subject, whether or not Christian women should work outside of the home. I say who cares? As long as both parents are doing their utmost to do the best for their family:) and really, read Proverbs 31. That lady did not stay at home, although that was her primary concern. She had a thriving business of some sort and probably had a mess of servants at her beck and call. Brings to mind the image of a chatelaine.

Whew. I feel so much better, now that I've talked myself through that awful feeling of dirt-ness. And in case you're interested, here are the blogs I've been reading lately (and at some point I'll figure out how to change my blogroll thingy/whatever you call it):

Wow, it felt like I had been perusing more blogs than just three. Probably because I also look at fitness blogs/articles (Oxygen magazine is a really good resource). Quite a different world from the homeschooling/homemaker blogs. It's like pinafores next to pin-ups:)


Dawn Janis said…
I can understand where you're coming from, sorta. I frequent a lot of writers' blogs and I start to think, I can do this. But I don't.

But I gain a lot of insight.
Beowulfa said…
Me too, sometimes too much insight:)

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