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What I've Been Thinking About Lately

(Is me)

For my mythology class: project on various archetypes in different cultures. For example: Creation/Origin myths, the Flood archetype, the Great Goddess etc. I'm researching Judaism, which has been fairly smooth sailing so far. The only issue I've had is reducing my focus to just the Torah. I've always read those first five books (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) as part of a greater whole and it's been interesting to shift my viewpoint to the Torah/Tanakh.

For my Latin American class I'm reviewing for the midterm. One essay, which I'll be writing at home, and short definitions to be written in class. Thirty options for the short definitions given on the review sheet, professor will give eighteen to choose from, I choose ten to write about. Ask me anything about the various independence movements and political infighting. Hurry though, data dump will commence after the midterm on Monday.

For my terrorism class: nothing, really. The professor that teaches this class is incredibly laid back and is easy-going with his red marker (referring to the red remarks professors make on papers. I realize not everyone is in school:)

And finally, my dance class. We practiced the Samba and Lindy-hop this past week. The kiddos and I watched YouTube videos on couples dancing the Samba; when it was over and I was demonstrating the basic step the Orclette, very seriously, said "Mama some of us dance different things and that's ok". I think she was concerned I was going to make her try and dance the samba to the exclusion of ballet:) She might also have been alarmed by some of the costumes; most of the dancers we saw were, compared to how we dress, rather scantily clad.

So. Thunk any good thoughts lately?


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