It has been a wowzer of a week. First we hosted a Labor Day/birthday party, then Miniorc began teething and not sleeping at night, and then mountains of homework and ROTC activities crashed down on us.
I've got a couple papers that I'm going to share. I've been a bit leery about posting them-what if someone steals my ideas? When I posited that concern to my singer/songwriter brother (who has experience with copyrighting and stuff), he said with the utmost of care, "Wulfa, you're an undergrad." But that suspicion and OCD-driven carefulness means that I'm in the right field, right? I've also got some thoughts on the subject of studying history. I don't think it's as easy a degree as some people think; not if you do it right, that is. And FYI, conversations with a good historian are a thing of beauty. More on that later.
I also wanted to follow up on my post about my exercise regimen. And share some frustrations on having a 3 year old, a 1 year old, and a puppy.
So that's five posts right there. Too bad thinking up topics is way easier than actually writing about them.
Wulfa the College Nerd out and snoring (I've been short on sleep lately).