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I've added a creative commons license at the top of the blog to give notice that we don't approve of any copying of our blogs. I'm hoping that is what it does anyways. My legal foo isn't very strong.

I've also contacted the blog we found using our posts and requested they stop doing so and remove all of our content from their site. We'll see if that works. If it doesn't, well much like Tobold I don't have the resources to do much about it other than disagree on them doing so.

We're considering a return to Azeroth on a very limited basis. The level of work, stress, and general business is wearying and we are pondering the idea that maybe one evening together would be good. Who knows. The problem with RL activities is that we'd need a sitter and/or the planning for even a small dinner with friends is intense at this stage.

And finally, uhm.... thats it.


Phil said…
The only one I found on a google search looks like it's pulling stuff from multiple blogs. It's presumably bot-driven, since it doesn't have your old post anymore but now has this one on it about creative commons. Considering all the eastern european ads on it, I'm assuming it's just something someone threw together to try to get some ad views, and there's not really much anyone can do about it.
scotth said…
Things are pretty quiet in azeroth these days. I think becasue it is so late in the expansion.

Still might work for a cheap night out though.
Carrie said…
I found three by googling the first couple of sentences in Wulfa's last post. (the search I used is here so you can see what I found).

I hope you guys can get it taken care of, people scamming posts from other people without asking is bad bad google-fu.

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