The single player of SC2 is a completely utterly different game from the multi player and can be played off line. Buy the game already and revel.
The NYT has two series of articles that were interesting reads. Women at Arms and the War on Drugs in Mexico.
I enjoyed the reading even if it was the NYT.
We have certainly impressed our kids somehow:
"DAAAAD, I'm lost in a tower while trying to go potty...."
"Daddy are you going up next to that killing thing?"(pointing at the small cannon outside the ROTC building)
We went and saw Inception too, but Starcraft was purchased right after that. Awesome movie by the way.
It is asking me for battlenet stuff to play. I'll have to see if there is a way around that. Not as big a deal as the WH40K game, only because I already have a battlenet account. My preference is just to be able to play the game.