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And we have arrived

Sooooo sore. Only 5 hours of driving today and we arrived in Columbia early this afternoon. Damm got his cellphone back and we started texting, then he called. This is still not technically allowed but the drill sergeants were turning a blind eye-every single person in his platoon was on the phone. So we've been talking on and off all afternoon. It's rather weird-he's changed so much. In my opinion it's all for the better, but still, he's not the same person he was 10 weeks ago. So it's almost as if it's the first date all over again. I guess deployment (or basic + AIT) is one way to keep the spark in your marriage ...

Tomorrow we'll be arriving a full 2 hours before Family Day events begin. Because the base will be swarming with family members we have planned to spend most of our time in the shade sitting on blankets. Friday I get briefed and sign Damm out. Actually his mother will have to sign him out since I'm not driving at all at this point :D Damm and I have lots of doing-absolutely-nothing planned. Things like going out to lunch, taking a nap in the nicely AC'd hotel room, going out to IHOP because he's been dreaming about it. Well, I guess that's doing stuff. I'll revise my statement to we're not doing exciting stuff. All of this including the Orclette, of course. Damm has declared that she won't leave his possession the entirety of our time here :D

I wish there were a way of flying back to NM. I'll make it through the drive but I will be SO done with traveling. I think the relatives will be so done with traveling with me: I like it cold, they like it hot. Last night we had one hotel unit with two rooms. Mine felt like it was properly AC'd. When I ventured into their room it felt like I was stepping outside. Tonight it's only one room with 2 queens. Guess who won the temperature war? The pregnant lady of course. Both of them are currently huddled into their blankets. It's seriously not THAT cold ...

And now I'm waiting for Damm's freetime to begin and him to call me again. I had forgotten how fun it is to talk to one's spouse :D


Megan said…
Hi there - I've been a longtime reader. I live in Columbia. Do you need anything while y'all are here?

--Megan (Lyssanne in game)
Patrick said…
I'm so happy for you. Sometimes doing nothing at all with the one you love is the best thing in the world. Have fun and best wishes for the rest of your traveling when you get to it.


Ok, this is probably the last time I'll sign as Blu, but it feels weird not to since that's what you knew me as in game.
Kelmar said…

Have a great time!
Beowulfa said…
@ The Apprentice Wife: I think we're set for our stay in Columbia, but thank you so much for asking :D

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