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The best feeling ever.

This past summer I had to have my wisdom teeth removed. I'm not averse to some pain but the thought of being awake while my teeth, one of them impacted, were pulled out was a bit much. So I opted for sedation surgery. It was amazing: the stuff they gave me was incredibly relaxing, and it was better than the moment my epidural hit after eighteen hours of labor (but not by much). The day after, which was filled with sleeping and then more sleeping, was also heaven.

The absolute best moment, though, was about a week after the surgery. I had been trying to get through the day without Percocet, because I had read it's highly addictive and I didn't want to take any chances. I wasn't healing as fast as I should have been, however, so the doctor told me I should take the Percocet. I obeyed. One Sunday morning I got up early, as is my habit, and got some homework done. I was still extremely tired, though, because both Damm and I push ourselves incredibly hard during the semester (it takes weeks for us to physically and mentally recover). So I took my Percocet and decided to cuddle with my kids and Damm on the bed. I fell back asleep-something that doesn't usually happen-and that feeling as I succumbed to the effects of the drug surpassed the epidural and the sedation surgery.

Since then I haven't felt relaxed. I'm making progress, now that the decision not to go back to school has been made. But that feeling of complete and total inertia has been hard to replicate (because I have no desire to become dependent on any type of drug), at least until I restarted my yoga practice. I don't typically do the harder versions of yoga; I prefer slow and gentle. And today, while I was going through a series of forward bends, I achieved that feeling of complete inertia, of total relaxation. It was felicity.

All that to say, if you're anxiety-ridden or stressed out, try yoga. I like Rodney Yee's videos, and Shiva Rea is also excellent. If you're wanting a workout, you could try Jillian Michael's "Yoga Meltdown", but it doesn't deliver the same impact (in my opinion). Trudy Styler, wife of Sting, also has a yoga video out that is geared toward weight loss. I prefer that one over Michael's, because it stays closer to the classic yoga poses. If you need yoga gear try your local Barnes & Noble store; they have a good selection of yoga DVDs and mats, as well as the yoga towels, socks and gloves, all in pretty colors. Walmart has some supplies as well, as does Target.

Try yoga, and you won't be sorry, although it does take some time to stretch the muscles. Best feeling ever.


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