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I'm finally done with school this semester. I might actually take time to visit with guildies tonight. That is so awesome.

So I'm writing my "I'm done post". Wulfa has about an hour or two more before she turns in her final paper and writes *HER* "I'm done post".

School had its ups and downs this semester. We averaged about 3.5 posts a week. I don't think we had any major posts of earth rattling importance. We dealt with black widows, election thoughts, and a lot of time management. We played WoW more than we thought we would and less than we had in previous semesters. We didn't have any complete and total emotional breakdowns(we did get very very close several times though).

ROTC provided a great deal of financial security and a HUGE amount of stress and frustration.

Orclette started gymnastics and that has turned into a great huge amazing success. Oh and she's effectively potty trained at this point. Also a happy new thing.

Mini-orc hasn't really started talking yet but looks more and more like a little person and less like a baby.

Wulfa survived. We both adapted a lot and gained tons of skill points in the time management area. Turns out you CAN do this kind of stuff and not go psychotic. It's just uncomfortable and hard. Much like anything else worth doing in life.

Oh and I got decent grades while keeping my PT up which I wasn't sure of my ability to do so.

All in all it was a good foundation semester and we hope to use the lessons learned to set ourselves up for a growing semester next semester. A few days of break then we start our christmas break schedule and all the things we're going to do before next semester.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Glowing New Year.


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