We're in Outlands we're in outlands we're in outlands. I don't think I realized I'd actually make it there. Back when I started playing WOW (2 years ago) 60 seemed like so far away and then they raised it to 70. I'm almost lvl 60. I did decide to go back to Azeroth and finish up a few quests there before committing solely to Outlands, but I completed a few quests-and the rewards! Instant upgrades from what I had before. Just awesome. Although my new crossbow and axe need to be skilled up, which is part of the reason why Beowulfa will be back in Winterspring. It's kinda hard fighting 2-3 lvl 60's when your skill level ain't capped. Other news: Dammy and I have joined BBB's guild, the Sidhe Devils. How is that pronounced? I forgot to ask last night. Is the dh a "th" sound? As in "this"? Dammy is thrilled that he can ponder which character/class/race to roll. He has until tonight to make up his mind =) I'm goi